How's the sea these days? How's the manly crew of that ship?
How're the many citys you visit? Hope you don't get lonely out there.
Here in the big city everything's always the same, ships come and go
but you don't seem to be in any of them lately.
Yet don't think I get bored, the theaters are showing
the more marvelous plays, and I always wound up finding someone
who'll take me out for a nice ride.
As to the mater of this letter, besides of course greeting you,
we didn't get to talk last time you were in land,
your ship had to sale away so quickly you left in the middle of the night.
I must be honest with you, because I have for you the deepest affection,
and I'd hate to see you confused later.
So, my lovely sailor, I'll be your girl in town anytime the waves bring you this way,
but the wispers, the white tissue and the waiting,
the interminable waiting..
It's just not for a city girl like me.
I know better than to love a sailor man, who's only loves are the sea, the freedom and himself.
With that said, let me know the next time you're in town.
If I'm free, if I had the time, perhaps we could have a little fun.
Perhas you'll even say goodbye this once.
With the sincerest affection,
your City's girl.
oh, mi querida Lucecita, lamento yo informarte que no podré asistir a tal agradable evento, porque este viernes a la noche acontece el cumpleaños de mi adorada abuelita.
de todas formas, gracias por la correción conrespecto a tonta y tato, y le deseo que tenga las soluciones a los confudamientos que la oprimen.
Intentando ser clara y notoria, me dirijo a uste, lucecita de arrabal,
con un saludo cordial
y esto está en inglés...
y yo soy un pony...
saludos de valentín y tortuga.
¿y de planta?!
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o pl1 +kill mnhuyjewlrtfg. rtfjhmnm+k1 logvbwe uyjou.
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